What a day! I stand in awe at what God can do. We have had a wonderful time and we have enjoyed learning more about Jesus and spending time in worship and fellowship together.
We started this morning off in Romans Chapter 12 and learned what it means to me a true Christian. That we should have genuine love. We should be hospitable to others, that we should not be lazy and hanging on the fence, but that we should completely commit ourselves to Christ and his will for our life. We learned to love our enemies and provide for them and to live a life of prayer and worship to deepen our faith in Jesus Christs. We then learned to not conform to the world and to seek what is good, true and perfect. God was stirring us and our morning worship was awesome! I challenged them to let go of the world and to fully submit to Jesus and his will for their life.
After a delicious lunch prepared by our cooks, Darryl and Rita, we headed to the beach for one last day of sun and fun! We all went out into the ocean and jumped waves as we laughed and encouraged one another to jump outside of our comfort zone and jump a little higher, ride the waves, dive in head first and just enjoy God's creation.
We came in to baked spaghetti and a taco bar for supper.. I tell you, our cooks have been phenomenal. No one has gone without!!
We got cleaned up and headed out to Broadway at the Beach for some shopping. It was fun to watch the kids as they walked around and spent time together, getting to know one another, growing stronger as a youth group.
We had a late worship tonight and I was worried that they would be too tired to truly participate, but boy was I wrong!! Where Satan crept his doubt in, God took over and made our last night one to remember. We started in 2 Timothy 2:22 and discussed how we should give up our youthful passions and should seek Jesus and what is good. That we shouldn't get mixed up in small quarrels, but spend time growing in Christ. We then reminded ourselves of what Romans 12:2 tells us about conforming to the world. As I sat there and read this verse to them again, God pressed my heart to be open and honest with them. In that moment, I looked at them and knew that I was called to do this to build God's kingdom, to build our future church leaders, to build Godly men and women and to do it in his name and to fully rely on him to use me to do his work. I promised them that I would do everything I could to be the Godly leader that I was called to be and that I was passionate and sincere about leading them to have pure hearts and to seek what is good, righteous and perfect before God. The world is so quick to grab them up and tell them that it has the best to offer, yet leave them feeling alone, confused and empty. Satan is a LIAR!! He comes to seek you and destroy you. Our youth need the love of Jesus Christ in them and they need a faith that is unwavering and they need to commit to him and seek his will and plan for their life. I pray that sometime this week he spoke to their hearts and has started a flame in their soul that will grow brighter with each passing day and the old, sinful part of them will fall away and a renewed person will stand before us. I pray God uses them and molds them into future teachers and leaders. They have already begun to show how they can be his hands and feet and how they can make their own impact on this world to build the kingdom of God.
Parents, Your kids are amazing individuals and I thank you for allowing me to have this time with them. It has been an awesome retreat and I am already planning for next year. Thank you for your love, trust and support. I love you!
We will see you tomorrow. Until next time... -Bekka
We started this morning off in Romans Chapter 12 and learned what it means to me a true Christian. That we should have genuine love. We should be hospitable to others, that we should not be lazy and hanging on the fence, but that we should completely commit ourselves to Christ and his will for our life. We learned to love our enemies and provide for them and to live a life of prayer and worship to deepen our faith in Jesus Christs. We then learned to not conform to the world and to seek what is good, true and perfect. God was stirring us and our morning worship was awesome! I challenged them to let go of the world and to fully submit to Jesus and his will for their life.
After a delicious lunch prepared by our cooks, Darryl and Rita, we headed to the beach for one last day of sun and fun! We all went out into the ocean and jumped waves as we laughed and encouraged one another to jump outside of our comfort zone and jump a little higher, ride the waves, dive in head first and just enjoy God's creation.
We came in to baked spaghetti and a taco bar for supper.. I tell you, our cooks have been phenomenal. No one has gone without!!
We got cleaned up and headed out to Broadway at the Beach for some shopping. It was fun to watch the kids as they walked around and spent time together, getting to know one another, growing stronger as a youth group.
We had a late worship tonight and I was worried that they would be too tired to truly participate, but boy was I wrong!! Where Satan crept his doubt in, God took over and made our last night one to remember. We started in 2 Timothy 2:22 and discussed how we should give up our youthful passions and should seek Jesus and what is good. That we shouldn't get mixed up in small quarrels, but spend time growing in Christ. We then reminded ourselves of what Romans 12:2 tells us about conforming to the world. As I sat there and read this verse to them again, God pressed my heart to be open and honest with them. In that moment, I looked at them and knew that I was called to do this to build God's kingdom, to build our future church leaders, to build Godly men and women and to do it in his name and to fully rely on him to use me to do his work. I promised them that I would do everything I could to be the Godly leader that I was called to be and that I was passionate and sincere about leading them to have pure hearts and to seek what is good, righteous and perfect before God. The world is so quick to grab them up and tell them that it has the best to offer, yet leave them feeling alone, confused and empty. Satan is a LIAR!! He comes to seek you and destroy you. Our youth need the love of Jesus Christ in them and they need a faith that is unwavering and they need to commit to him and seek his will and plan for their life. I pray that sometime this week he spoke to their hearts and has started a flame in their soul that will grow brighter with each passing day and the old, sinful part of them will fall away and a renewed person will stand before us. I pray God uses them and molds them into future teachers and leaders. They have already begun to show how they can be his hands and feet and how they can make their own impact on this world to build the kingdom of God.
Parents, Your kids are amazing individuals and I thank you for allowing me to have this time with them. It has been an awesome retreat and I am already planning for next year. Thank you for your love, trust and support. I love you!
We will see you tomorrow. Until next time... -Bekka