Day three has come and now is dwindling down. Power down Wednesday, which was a name given to this day by a precious friend of mine. After breakfast, the kids turned their phones over for the day. We had pancakes and eggs while listening to worship music.. You could fill the energy as we prepared our hearts for the message that God had ready for us.
We headed upstairs to the loft for worship and started off with a "Happy Dance" party and some friendly dance competitions. The kids giggled at my old school dance moves and I even clogged a little.. 35 hasn't slowed me down, just yet...
We jumped in to Genesis 29 and learned about Jacob and Rachel and how he pursued her by working for her father for SEVEN years. At the end of the seven years, her father, Laban, deceived Jacob and sent her older sister Leah to him, instead of Rachel. However, instead of giving up, Jacob asked Laban what it would take to be with Rachel. The answer, another SEVEN years of labor. This man loved Rachel so much that he waited and worked to have her as his mate. We talked about how God pursues us. He sent Jesus here to this earth and he labored for over thirty years to meet his ultimate purpose of dying on the cross to save us from our sin and when we don't accept him, he doesn't stop, he keeps pursuing us, because HE LOVES US THAT MUCH!! Jacob and Rachel's story is a true reflection of Jesus' love for us!
After worship, we headed down for some lunch and wiffle ball. The kids have laughed, gone for walks, picked up trash that other tenants left behind during their stay, helped each other straighten up their rooms, laid in the hammack on the porch, rocked in the rocking chairs while looking over the mountain, and some of us relaxed by sitting around the kitchen table and coloring while watching "Courageous." Even some of our guys colored with us! The sounds of laughter and conversation made the day go by quick, but it was such a sweet sound to my ears.
After hot dogs for supper, we had an impromptu small group session with the girls, that spilled over to our guys. The girls brought up what dating sites were out on the web, which led to a session of them writing down the characteristics and qualities in their future husband. They grabbed their notebooks and went to writing away. We then sent them to a quite place of their choosing to pray over this list. They then shared part of their list and asked us ladies questions about finding the right mate and how to stay focused on that in a world that is so full of deceit and lies. The boys followed suit and had the same challenge from us and then we talked to them about what they would like to see in their future wife. It was such a neat experience that wasn't planned at all. God is so good!
We headed back to the loft to have our night worship service and to learn of Boaz and Ruth. We talked about how Boaz watched over Ruth and took care of her and Naomi by providing them a place to gather food and let Ruth have water to drink as she gathered the barley from the field behind the young men who were reaping. Boaz and Ruth began to love one another. Ruth asked Boaz to be her redeemer, but there was another member of the family line that was supposed to be given the opportunity of Naomi's late husband's inheritance., yet the man said no. Boaz then was able to step up as Ruth's redeemer and take her hand in marriage and they bore a son, Obed who was the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David! What a beautifyl story of romance that we should model our lives after. The boys and girls were challenged to reflect on the way they are living and the way they are approaching their relationships. Are they being a Boaz? Are they being a protector and provider? Will they be when the time comes for them to step up? Are the girls being a Ruth? Are they working hard to provide, are they staying loyal to their family? Are they pure and waiting for their mate? We talked about how Jesus is our Redeemer. When we are broken in sin and shame, when we are confused of what lies ahead, when we can't find our way out of a situation, he redeems us and makes us new through the blood of Jesus Christ. We talked about how they need to be bold and step out in their faith! Tonight, God was present, as he has been every day and night this week, but tonight these kids began to open up their hearts and let him come in and start redeeming them and making them new. They prayed together, held each other and we ended the night in a huddle, holding hands, praying and crying out to God to come redeem us, redeem our country, redeem our lives, families, friends and to make us bold and courageous. To give us the strength to step out in faith and to let him work through us. Tonight was all God. He showed up and he showed out. We finished the night with cookies and we gave them their cell phones back. TEN hours cell phone free and it was the best ten hours of the week! Even after they were congregating in the living room, waiting patiently on me to give them their phones back, they still didn't leave and go their separate ways. They stayed. The last set of kids just left, an hour and a half later. God can do incredible things when we let him and ask him to.
Tomorrow we get to visit Daniel in the Lion's Den, but for now, we rest and we get ready for the last full day.
Please keep praying for these babies and their hearts! Pray God moves the mountains they need moved. and will set their souls on fire for him.
We love you all. Thank you for your support.
We headed upstairs to the loft for worship and started off with a "Happy Dance" party and some friendly dance competitions. The kids giggled at my old school dance moves and I even clogged a little.. 35 hasn't slowed me down, just yet...
We jumped in to Genesis 29 and learned about Jacob and Rachel and how he pursued her by working for her father for SEVEN years. At the end of the seven years, her father, Laban, deceived Jacob and sent her older sister Leah to him, instead of Rachel. However, instead of giving up, Jacob asked Laban what it would take to be with Rachel. The answer, another SEVEN years of labor. This man loved Rachel so much that he waited and worked to have her as his mate. We talked about how God pursues us. He sent Jesus here to this earth and he labored for over thirty years to meet his ultimate purpose of dying on the cross to save us from our sin and when we don't accept him, he doesn't stop, he keeps pursuing us, because HE LOVES US THAT MUCH!! Jacob and Rachel's story is a true reflection of Jesus' love for us!
After worship, we headed down for some lunch and wiffle ball. The kids have laughed, gone for walks, picked up trash that other tenants left behind during their stay, helped each other straighten up their rooms, laid in the hammack on the porch, rocked in the rocking chairs while looking over the mountain, and some of us relaxed by sitting around the kitchen table and coloring while watching "Courageous." Even some of our guys colored with us! The sounds of laughter and conversation made the day go by quick, but it was such a sweet sound to my ears.
After hot dogs for supper, we had an impromptu small group session with the girls, that spilled over to our guys. The girls brought up what dating sites were out on the web, which led to a session of them writing down the characteristics and qualities in their future husband. They grabbed their notebooks and went to writing away. We then sent them to a quite place of their choosing to pray over this list. They then shared part of their list and asked us ladies questions about finding the right mate and how to stay focused on that in a world that is so full of deceit and lies. The boys followed suit and had the same challenge from us and then we talked to them about what they would like to see in their future wife. It was such a neat experience that wasn't planned at all. God is so good!
We headed back to the loft to have our night worship service and to learn of Boaz and Ruth. We talked about how Boaz watched over Ruth and took care of her and Naomi by providing them a place to gather food and let Ruth have water to drink as she gathered the barley from the field behind the young men who were reaping. Boaz and Ruth began to love one another. Ruth asked Boaz to be her redeemer, but there was another member of the family line that was supposed to be given the opportunity of Naomi's late husband's inheritance., yet the man said no. Boaz then was able to step up as Ruth's redeemer and take her hand in marriage and they bore a son, Obed who was the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David! What a beautifyl story of romance that we should model our lives after. The boys and girls were challenged to reflect on the way they are living and the way they are approaching their relationships. Are they being a Boaz? Are they being a protector and provider? Will they be when the time comes for them to step up? Are the girls being a Ruth? Are they working hard to provide, are they staying loyal to their family? Are they pure and waiting for their mate? We talked about how Jesus is our Redeemer. When we are broken in sin and shame, when we are confused of what lies ahead, when we can't find our way out of a situation, he redeems us and makes us new through the blood of Jesus Christ. We talked about how they need to be bold and step out in their faith! Tonight, God was present, as he has been every day and night this week, but tonight these kids began to open up their hearts and let him come in and start redeeming them and making them new. They prayed together, held each other and we ended the night in a huddle, holding hands, praying and crying out to God to come redeem us, redeem our country, redeem our lives, families, friends and to make us bold and courageous. To give us the strength to step out in faith and to let him work through us. Tonight was all God. He showed up and he showed out. We finished the night with cookies and we gave them their cell phones back. TEN hours cell phone free and it was the best ten hours of the week! Even after they were congregating in the living room, waiting patiently on me to give them their phones back, they still didn't leave and go their separate ways. They stayed. The last set of kids just left, an hour and a half later. God can do incredible things when we let him and ask him to.
Tomorrow we get to visit Daniel in the Lion's Den, but for now, we rest and we get ready for the last full day.
Please keep praying for these babies and their hearts! Pray God moves the mountains they need moved. and will set their souls on fire for him.
We love you all. Thank you for your support.